I made comparison of sleep tracking between Mobvoi smartwatch TicWatchPro3 and GoogleNestHub(2nd gen), and found they show pretty close result. TicWatchPro3 has standard on-skin sensor while GoogleNestHub has built-in rader type of motion sensor put on bed side. The result was pretty close !!!!
Comparison of sleep time
▼Comparison data of 7 days sleep
・Most of the sleep data is compatible except 23/Jan.
・I took nap before actual sleep on 23/Jan. GoogleNestHub tracked that nap, while TicWatchPro3 didn’t.
・I slept twice in next morning of 24/Jan. GoogleNestHub tracked that while TicWatchPro3 didn’t.
・Overall, GoogleNestHub tracked wake-up time longer before and after sleep than TicWatchPro3 did.
・Although these 2 devices has different sensors as TicWatchPro3 has standard on-skin sensor while GoogleNestHub put on bed side has built-in rader type of motion sensor, the result was pretty close!!!!
Comparison of sleep depth/stage wave
Sleep data of each sleep depth/stage wave is almost the same.
▼Sleep started on Sat/21/Jan
▼Sleep started on Sun/22/Jan
▼Sleep started on Mon/23/Jan, GoogleNestHub tracked nap.
▼Sleep started on Tue/23/Jan, GoogleNestHub tracked slept twice.
▼Sleep started on Wed/25/Jan
▼Sleep started on Thu/26/Jan
▼Sleep started on Fri/27/Jan. Graphical data couldn’t obtained on GooglNestHub, the reason was not clear.
To be improved on TicWatchPro3
I want “actual sleep time without wake-up time” to be shown, I don’t want “total time on bed x sleep efficiency %”.
The actual sleep time I want to be shown is 8hours 19minutes, which is easy to understand the result of the sleep.
8hours 57minutes included 37minutes of wake-up time is not usuful information when I want to know how long I actually slept last night.
To be improved on GoogleNestHub
The sleep data should be reflected to GoogleFit app as soon as I wake up!
Problem: When I want to check the sleep result as barometer of the helth of the day, GoogleNestHub itself is not the device that I check easily, but I or most of the people, I should say, check smartphone insted. In that case, GoogleFit app sometimes took long time until sleep result is reflected.
Tobe: GoogleFit app should show sleep result as soon as user wakes up without delay.
Xperia ACEⅢ(SO-53C/Android12)
Google Fit(verson 2023.01.05.arm64-v8a.release)
GoogleFit app should show each sleep time of each depth/stage.
Problem: GoogleFit app don’t show each sleep time of each depth/stage.
To be: GoogleFit app shold also show each sleep time of each depth/stage like as on GooglNestHub itself.
The sleep data that 2 devices show are very close to each other, that I think is trustfull. I hope these improvements above are implemented as soon as possible.
Thank you for reading my article. Please check my Youtube channel too from the link below.